How Crypto-to-Fiat Payments can scale your Business

By Marc Taverner, CEO & Co-Founder, XEROF

As Web3 companies evolve, we've noticed a significant trend in the most successful projects: no matter how innovative the project, how significant the traction, or how well-defined the product-market fit, the short—to medium-term success of the project is ultimately defined by strong and efficient treasury management. This is especially critical for companies that have raised substantial value in crypto assets.

At XEROF, we've had countless conversations with companies navigating the complexities of crypto-to-fiat transactions. They share a common challenge: they are under-banked at best and periodically almost de-banked entirely. This reality often forces them to overcorrect and build internal teams and systems to self-manage crypto-to-fiat conversion solutions. While this may sound logical, it is usually based on a false premise—that in-house development is safer and more reliable.

However, building and managing an in-house solution for your treasury distracts your team from core innovations, drains critical resources and focus, and introduces unforeseen complexities.

Marc Taverner - XEROF CEO & Co-Founder

The In-House Dilemma: Why Payment Solutions Shouldn't Be DIY

The debate around in-house vs. outsourced payment solutions is age-old. Many Web3 projects, especially those with developer-heavy teams, assume they can build their own crypto-to-fiat infrastructure. They believe they have the problem solvers and intelligence in place; therefore, it seems a natural extension of their business.

Developing internal payment systems isn't just about writing code—it's about navigating banking relationships and multi-currency payments, maintaining liquidity, ensuring compliance, and minimizing risk in an incredibly volatile crypto market. All of these tasks require specialized knowledge and continuous attention to detail.

The Power of Outsourcing: Why Specialists Make Sense

Outsourcing to a specialist like XEROF offers an immediate advantage. Our core business is managing crypto-to-fiat conversions, treasury optimization, and payment flows with precision. This allows us to obsess over every operational detail to ensure seamless transaction flows. We manage Tier-1 relationships across the banking and liquidity spectrum. We focus on our business so that you can focus on yours.

This means Web3 companies can focus on what they do best: innovation. One of our clients shared that managing his treasury in-house would have required hiring two or three additional finance personnel to ensure everything ran smoothly. The administrative burden alone would have meant extra time, capital, and management resources, as well as expanding their banking relationships, none of which aligned with their core mission.

We've seen this play out time and again. Outsourcing your treasury frees up resources and eliminates the need to hire and manage new staff to handle these highly specialized functions. In short, it keeps you nimble, focused, and better positioned for growth.

The Value of Outsourcing: Time, Money, and Assurance

The decision to outsource treasury management is ultimately about value creation. When you work with XEROF, you immediately reduce the time and cost associated with internal treasury operations. We simplify workflows for routine payments—payroll, supplier settlements, or partner distributions—giving you more control over your treasury while reducing exposure to the volatility of crypto markets.

Furthermore, our licensed operations provide an additional layer of security. You'll have a reachable account manager who understands your company's unique transaction cycles and can ensure a high-touch, bespoke service that brings peace of mind to your treasury operations. It's worth its weight in assurance.

The In-House vs. Outsourced Debate: A Clear Winner

To summarise, in-house development of crypto-to-fiat payment systems and services is often slower, more costly, and riddled with regulatory and operational challenges. While it may seem like a natural extension for Web3 Fintech projects, the complexities often outweigh the perceived benefits. Outsourcing to a trusted partner like XEROF, on the other hand, provides fast, scalable, reliable, and compliant solutions.

At the end of the day, your business needs to focus on its core competencies—building innovative products and growing your market presence—not on managing intricate financial workflows.

Let's Connect

If your business is ready to streamline its treasury operations and focus on growth, we invite you to schedule a meeting with us to learn more about how XEROF can help. Our calendar for Q1 of 2025 includes participation in several premiere, global crypto events—let's meet in person to discuss your needs. And if you're in the Zug or Zurich area, stop by our office—we'd love to connect.

Let XEROF handle your treasury so you can focus on your future.


XEROF is a Swiss-licensed FinTech specialising in cryptoassets. Our Tier 1 banking network allows clients to seamlessly navigate crypto and fiat transactions to manage investments, treasury, and settle third party expenses.

Learn more about XEROF